An 8 Week Mastermind Experience
To Activate Unshakeable Confidence & Unstoppable Momentum for Creating What You Desire
Oct 18- Dec 13, 2021
There are desires on your heart that excite you like no tomorrow. Like…
Doing purposeful work that sets your soul on fire & creating a ripple effect of impact in the world.
Being romanced & swept off your feet in the love affair of a lifetime.
Witnessing beautiful soulmate clients experience epic transformations in your offerings.
Having the freedom to live life on your terms & experience more adventure & joy.
Building an online brand that is an effortless expression of who you are & that calls in your desired audience.
Feeling confident to fully be yourself, speak your mind & share what you’ve got to offer.
From ideation of a desire to creation, 2 core things are consistently required: energetic alignment & massive action.
Energetic alignment comes from subconscious mind + inner child healing work, deepening emotional intelligence & embodying your True self-identity (stepping into the YOU who has what you want).
When you are energetically aligned, massive action becomes effortless. It’s an extension of who you ARE. In order for us to create what we want, we must be willing to consistently show up in action, do the uncomfortable things & regardless of circumstances… to keep going.
It doesn’t mean you don’t run into fears, challenges or setbacks. But it just means you know how to artfully navigate through those moments, hold your power + energy & confidently move forward in action- no matter what.
THIS is the energy I invite you to play in within the DESIRE MASTERMIND.


In this mastermind experience, we are leveraging the power of multiple genius minds to create a magical intimate space of EXPANSION & TRANSFORMATION.
Over the course of 8 weeks, you will be held in sisterhood, accountability & LOVE, & elevated into your next level of self-mastery, confidence, energetic alignment & action taking towards your desires.
We will have…
8 weekly intimate group coaching calls where you will receive 1:1 coaching + mentorship from me specific to what you’re moving through on your desire creation journey.
Ongoing Voxer messaging + voicenote chat for in-between support – meaning you have me in your back pocket for 8 weeks for any questions & coaching
Tailored mindset, embodiment, Kundalini Yoga & breathwork practices to ignite shifts at the subconscious, embodied & energetic levels.
PLUS SPECIAL GIFT: for this first ever round of the mastermind, I’ll be gifting you 2 of my signature programs Light Up & Manifest, & Enraptured – where you receive powerful teaching transmissions around manifestation, energetics, personal healing & self-love
There is no set teaching curriculum for this mastermind as we will be tailoring our conversations based on what is brought up. However, here are some key areas that will be explored in different capacities:
Healing disempowering beliefs & programming that once held you back from action (ie. feeling not good enough, perfectionism, self-sabotage etc) so that you can step into unshakeable confidence in making BIG moves
Anchoring into who you really are, amplifying your magnetism, seeing your self-worth & cultivating unconditional love for yourself
Deepening your connection to your purpose so you know exactly what desires are the most expansive for you to focus on
Elevating your self-confidence & showing up in all areas of your life with a powerful presence
Transforming self-defeating thinking patterns (ie. overthinking & focusing on the worst case scenario) into empowering thinking & being patterns that get you what you want
Altering your relationship with fears & setbacks so you no longer struggle with resistance & know how to gracefully handle whatever comes your way

What I have found to be the greatest manifestation of all on this desire journey (& what I have witnessed in my clients)… is the inner healing you experience & the newfound relationship of LOVE you develop for yourself.
Truth is, there will always be MORE that we want. Desires are endless. Once you create one, the next arises.
And so the point is not just about chasing one thing after another for your happiness. It’s about BECOMING THE PERSON WHO HAS WHAT YOU WANT NOW, committing yourself to the inner & outer work that is required, & choosing to live every moment NOW in gratitude + celebration.
The Desire Mastermind is soul much more than just measuring your success based on what you create within a 2 month period. YES WE WILL CELEBRATE LIKE CRAZY for all the beautiful desires, synchronicities & shifts that you will inevitably create.
But more importantly, we will massively CELEBRATE YOU. The person that you ARE & the person that you BECOME.
You are the prize you’ve been looking for. And together we’ll get you truly understanding & living into that.
Early Bird Pricing 🎉
$1555 USD pay in full
or 2 x monthly payments of $888 or 3 x monthly payments of $650
If you would like to hop on a 20 minute clarity call to see if this experience is a HECK YES for you, you can book it in below.
If you are ALREADY a HECK YES right now, link to pay is also below
Ahhh I am soul excited to support you in this container 
xx Ella

Rasheeda Roach
Client of Enraptured | https://instagram.com/whispdreamer

The Enraptured experience was amazing! I learned so much about myself, my desires and connected with my inner child. My biggest takeaway is when are you able to love yourself unconditionally, it creates a ripple effects to all your other relationships. Everything begins to shift in order to match the change in energy. After this experience, I feel overflowing with love for myself on all levels. Being able to connect with my higher self and experience the life that she is living became a great motivator for me to know that I’m on the right path to actually live that life! I definitely recommend working with Ella. She has such a unique energy about her that pulls you in. She knows the right questions to ask to help you find the answers within yourself.
Janessa Lew
Past 1:1 Client | https://instagram.com/inspirejane
A little excerpt from this beautiful testimonial transmission:
“…If you’re feeling that call to work more deeply with Ella, it’s an opportunity to be witnessed, to be held & to be supported, but in a way that empowers to know that this is YOU. This is your essence unfolding, this is all of who you already are, & you have someone who is believing in you, & loving you unconditionally so that you can feel safe in that journey. Even when all the stuff comes up…the inner child work, the holding yourself when you are in the middle of a death & rebirth cycle & you feel completely alone…you somehow know you can have your own back. Ella has been so so critical in my unfolding, in my ability to receive others receiving me…If you feel that YES & that curiosity of what if I allowed myself to be held this way… F**King take the leap!”
Geneviève Paquette
Past 1:1 Client | https://instagram.com/heyitsgenp
“I used to have horrible self-talk, low confidence and low self-esteem. I identified myself as a negative person. I honestly thought it was who I am. I would compare myself constantly and use it to put me down. I used to not be able to feel my emotions, I felt numb. My main struggle was really my mindset and learn how to tap into my emotions.
Working with Ella inside of Light Up Your Life was literally the best thing I have ever done ! It allowed me to find my true self and show up with confidence. I used to hide in the sidelines but now I feel like I want to be front and center ! My biggest highlight is literally Ella she is the best. I feel like we were perfectly aligned and she always had exactly what I needed when I needed it, sometimes without even knowing ! I wouldn’t be able to pin point what was my favorite part of the program because I feel like my answer would be the entire experience. It’s that good !
I felt like I used to show up in my life as a caterpillar and now I am a beautiful butterfly flying all over the place. I found myself and fell in love with the person I am. My biggest shift is loving who I am. It gave me the courage and confidence to actually start my coaching business which I was pushing to the side By fear of not being good enough (self-sabotaging at it’s finest). I used to be a ghost on social media and now I am able to show up with confidence and certainty, sharing my message on my social platform. Something I would of never have been able to do before this program. I have never felt this good in my skin. I feel like I glow where ever I go.
Thinking about the opportunity of working with Ella? Don’t think twice, take it ! It’s the best investment you will ever make. You can’t put a value on a program like this. Loving your life and yourself is priceless!
Ella, thank you from the bottom of my heart for being who you are I can’t even put words on how grateful I am for the work you do !”
Sarah Vigil
Past 1:1 Client | www.sarahvigil.com | https://instagram.com/_sarahvigil_
When I started working with Ella, I knew little about not just the online education industry, but about myself as an individual. I signed on because I wanted to learn what a coaching program is, and I know that one of the best to learn is to be a student. I had a few mentors to choose from, though, and I decided to work with Ella because there was something that intrigued me about spirituality because it made me feel somewhat uncomfortable – because it was unknown to me. The other coaches had seemingly simple programs, but Ella’s was different, and once I worked with her, I realized it’s different because her work is an expression of who she is. And that’s exactly what I learned from her that is more valuable than anything I could learn in a book or a course – I learned how to create a personal brand that actually is PERSONAL because I design and create it all (yes, Ella taught me this too). She truly is a multi-talented and passionate being who does exceptional work because she loves her craft, and it shows through in absolutely everything she does.
Catherine Paquette
Past 1:1 Client | https://instagram.com/heyitscathp
“When I started working with Ella, I knew deep down in my heart that I wanted to become a coach, but didn’t know how to go about starting and felt like I needed years of experience before getting started! Since working together, I’ve been feel amazing, fulfilled and ready to conquer the world. Ella allowed me to understand and believe that I was already a coach. I didn’t need years of experience to get started. If you had told me four months ago that I would have a website running, a free mini-course, a 1:1 coaching program, closing a month of coaching three amazing BETA clients, and ready to find my first soulmate client to work with, I would not have believed you! Ella is a guide everyone needs, the friend you can turn to when you are not sure of yourself and the confidence booster that will have you take massive-action! I’ve never believed so much in myself and the potential I have. Ella was the confidence booster I needed to live fully in my next level identity! Oh, and did I mention that I gained abs from this 1:1 coaching!! Kundalini is now part of my daily life, all thanks to Ella! I would recommend and have recommended her in a heart beat because I’ve loved her way of working, her approach and I am so grateful for the epic transformation that came out of us working together. I can fairly say that she has exceeded my expectations!”
Jaime Lee
Past Creatrix Channel Client | https://instagram.com/crazyheartyoga
Here’s a real-time capture of Jaime’s celebrations in self-love & healing her relationship with herself in the Creatrix Channel program. You can watch this video on Jaime’s IGTV here
Jerine Nicole
Past Student of Light Up & Manifest | Nurse & Blogger | www.jerinenicole.com

You can read a full article that Jerine wrote on her Light Up & Manifest experience here 🎉
“Before being in this experience, I was struggling with being able to trust my decisions. I would overthink every single decision in my life, career and business. I didn’t know who I was and how to show up online as “myself”. I thought that I had to be two different persons, but I also wasn’t comfortable showing up as my “current self” then. I had no clear direction of where I was going. I felt anxious, stressed and pressured to follow the society’s standards of what success looked like. I learned to be the type of coach who would niche down, except I knew in my heart that I couldn’t do it. I knew I had something more to offer other than just one thing.
The Light Up & Manifest experience was absolutely amazing. At first, I was very skeptical as I’m not a spiritual person. But when Ella teaches the content, things make sense because I’ve been experiencing them throughout my life, and I just wasn’t aware of it. My favourites were our group calls and how she can support each one of us and always give her all. I could feel the same energy that she has on her Instagram videos and in her content. I always feel like Ella’s teachings are guiding me.
After this program, I feel that I could take on the world. I feel much more confident in making decisions in my life. I feel more clear about where I want to go in life. I am more comfortable and confident in expressing myself both in life and online because I always have my own back. I don’t feel rushed to do things or to achieve things, because I’ve learned to enjoy the process. And I know that there’s no other way but what I want to show up. These words are so simple, yet they are so powerful. One of my key wins from this program was really finding inner peace in this crazy world. I also started my own blog. I pivoted from the coaching business to writing online because that’s where my heart led me. I still have ups & downs, but they don’t bother me as much anymore. Because of tools that Ella gave, I know how to get myself back up.
Ella gives all her heart to everything that she does. She shows up in whatever energy she is in and because of her strong relationship with herself. With that, she’s also able to transmit and inspire others to do the same. She will give you the tools that you need to be able to make your own decisions. If you want to feel empowered in your life and business, then this is for you.
Even if you’re not into spirituality, this is a good program to start with. After this program, you will feel more comfortable with your relationship with yourself. I think it’s also the most important relationship that you can work on before being able to show up and serve others.”